Cabal::Address | Internet address abstract representation |
Cabal::Channel | Main cabal callback class |
Cabal::Connection | Encapsulates an high level abstract connection between this machine and a remote address |
Cabal::DataIncompleteError | Error risen when an operation has been tried but there are not enough data to complete (or start) that operation |
Cabal::Error | Generic error class This is meant to be overloaded by specific error classes below |
Cabal::InitError | Error risen when there is an object can't be initialized |
Cabal::Line | Client connection set abstraction |
Cabal::net_interface_entry | System interface entry |
Cabal::Net_WSA | WSA specific basic functionality wrapper |
Cabal::NetBase | Basic functionality service abstract class |
Cabal::NotImplementedError | Error risen when an operation has been tried but there are not enough data to complete (or start) that operation |
Cabal::Referenceable | Interface for referenceable objects |
Cabal::SendEntry | This structure is meant to record sending times |
Cabal::ServerSocket | TCP Server Socket encapsulation class |
Cabal::Socket | Basic socket encapsulation class |
Cabal::TCPSocket | Encapsulates a TCP socket |
Cabal::UDPSocket | UDP Socket encapsulation class |
Cabal::Waiter | Class used to record objects that may be willing to wait in time |