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Cabal Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
Cabal::AddressInternet address abstract representation
Cabal::ChannelMain cabal callback class
Cabal::ConnectionEncapsulates an high level abstract connection between this machine and a remote address
Cabal::DataIncompleteErrorError risen when an operation has been tried but there are not enough data to complete (or start) that operation
Cabal::ErrorGeneric error class This is meant to be overloaded by specific error classes below
Cabal::InitErrorError risen when there is an object can't be initialized
Cabal::LineClient connection set abstraction
Cabal::net_interface_entrySystem interface entry
Cabal::Net_WSAWSA specific basic functionality wrapper
Cabal::NetBaseBasic functionality service abstract class
Cabal::NotImplementedErrorError risen when an operation has been tried but there are not enough data to complete (or start) that operation
Cabal::ReferenceableInterface for referenceable objects
Cabal::SendEntryThis structure is meant to record sending times
Cabal::ServerSocketTCP Server Socket encapsulation class
Cabal::SocketBasic socket encapsulation class
Cabal::TCPSocketEncapsulates a TCP socket
Cabal::UDPSocketUDP Socket encapsulation class
Cabal::WaiterClass used to record objects that may be willing to wait in time

Generated on Sat Apr 10 17:41:49 2004 for Cabal by doxygen 1.3.5